Contact: [email] lvosicka [at] berkeley edu
About Me: I’m a 1st year undergraduate student at UC Berkeley, with an intended major in Psychology and a minor in Education. Though born and raised in the Czech Republic, I have been living on and off in Southern California, Indio, for the last year with my family (which also includes a sister and two devilishly cute baby brothers) as well. Among some of my very non-intellectual pursuits, I love cooking delicious Czech and Italian foods, debating with all sorts of people on Sproul Plaza, and working (read: pretending to work) on my never-to-be-finished romance novel the most. And, of course, I am also very happy to be working here with the most awesome research group I found through the URAP program 🙂 Research Interests: While I still enjoy a beginner’s luxury of not yet having fully developed research interests, I am in general interested in the ways various insights from research on grounded cognition can be utilized toward the design development of interactive learning media (whether it be educational computer software, applications for mobile devices, or software for interactive whiteboards), so as to make it both more fun, accessible and efficient.