Trninic, D., Gutiérrez, J. F., & Abrahamson, D. (2011).  Instruction and embodied design. In A. Antle, P. Marshall, & E. van den Hoven (Chairs), workshop on Embodied Interaction: Theory and Practice in HCI.

In G. Fitzpatrick & C. Gutwin (Eds.), Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), Vancouver, May 7-12, 2011.

We present a recent embodied-interaction instructional design, the Mathematical Imagery Trainer (MIT), for helping young students develop a grounded understanding of proportional equivalence (e.g., 2/3 = 4/6). The implementation of this design serves as our context for developing a heuristic design framework for instructional embodied-interaction activities.
