Guest Speakers

Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

Symmetries of social performance-environment systems
Janeen Loehr

Janeen Loehr

The sense of agency in joint action: An integrative review
Marjaana Kangas

Marjaana Kangas

AI play in higher Education: Students’ perceptions of play and co-creation of knowledge with generative AI
Ori Ossmy

Ori Ossmy

Physical cognition in altered gravity: Link between sensorimotor and cognitive adaptability
Nicola Di Stefano

Nicola Di Stefano

What, if anything, can be considered an amodal sensory dimension?
Charles Spence

Charles Spence

What, if anything, can be considered an amodal sensory dimension?
Kati Kish Bar-On

Kati Kish Bar-On

Beyond binary group categorization: towards a dynamic view of human groups
Alessandro Gelmi

Alessandro Gelmi

On the nature, uses and functions of imagination in education: A multidisciplinary approach
Julia Chatain

Julia Chatain

Designing for embodied sense-making of mathematics: Perspectives on directed and spontaneous bodily actions
Enzo D'Armenio

Enzo D’Armenio

From the ontology of video games to the epistemology of digital movements. Towards a semiotics of virtual practices
Marcelo Worsley

Marcelo Worsley

When athletes play around technology—a sporting approach to computing inquiry
Vishesh Kumar

Vishesh Kumar

When athletes play around technology—a sporting approach to computing inquiry
Ashley Quiterio

Ashley Quiterio

When athletes play around technology—a sporting approach to computing inquiry
Sean Heath

Sean Heath

On the learning, transmission, and embodiment of swimming’s haptic grammar
Thomas F. Carter

Thomas F. Carter

On the learning, transmission, and embodiment of swimming’s haptic grammar
Maëlle Neveu

Maëlle Neveu

Contribution of finger gnosia and fine motor skills to early numerical and arithmetic abilities: New insights from 3D motion analyses
Cédric Schwartz

Cédric Schwartz

Contribution of finger gnosia and fine motor skills to early numerical and arithmetic abilities: New insights from 3D motion analyses
Ramesh Balasubramaniam

Ramesh Balasubramaniam

Music and its relationship to other embodied cognitive functions
Samantha Punch

Samantha Punch

The physicality of mindsports through elite bridge players’ sensorial experiences: Presence, confidence and bodies.
David S. Scott

David S. Scott

The physicality of mindsports through elite bridge players’ sensorial experiences: Presence, confidence and bodies.
Sarah Julia Calderwood

Sarah Julia Calderwood

An exploration of human and platform intra-actions in a digital teaching and learning environment.
Trevor H. J. Marchand

Trevor H. J. Marchand

Toward an anthropology of mathematizing.
Marc Relieu

Marc Relieu

Geometrical touch: Drawing an occasioned map on the hand
Rolf Inge Godøy

Rolf Inge Godøy

Motion shapes for sound shaping
Robyn Gandell

Robyn Gandell

Geometrical touch: Drawing an occasioned map on the hand.
Shaun G. Boe

Shaun G. Boe

Imagined movement accuracy is strongly associated with drivers of overt movement error and weakly associated with imagery vividness
Bob Klein

Bob Klein

Alliance of Indigenous Math Circles
Maria Droujkova

Maria Droujkova
Ema Demšar

Ema Demšar

Horizons of becoming aware: Constructing a pragmatic-epistemological framework for empirical first-person research
Luc Nijs

Luc Nijs

The role of the body in instrumental and vocal music pedagogy: A dynamical systems theory perspective on the music teacher’s bodily engagement in teaching and learning
Melissa Bremmer

Melissa Bremmer

The role of the body in instrumental and vocal music pedagogy: A dynamical systems theory perspective on the music teacher’s bodily engagement in teaching and learning
Karenleigh A. Overmann

Karenleigh A. Overmann

The materiality of numbers: Emergence and elaboration from prehistory to present
Rolf Steier

Rolf Steier

What Is the role of the body in science education? A conversation between traditions
Jesper Haglund

Jesper Haglund

What Is the role of the body in science education? A conversation between traditions
Tamer G. Amin

Tamer G. Amin

What Is the role of the body in science education? A conversation between traditions
Magdalena Kersting

Magdalena Kersting

What Is the role of the body in science education? A conversation between traditions
Moira R. Dillon

Moira R. Dillon

We are wanderers: Abstract geometry reflects spatial navigation
Yi Lin

Yi Lin

We are wanderers: Abstract geometry reflects spatial navigation
Mark Dingemanse

Mark Dingemanse

Interactive repair and the foundations of language
Jürgen Streeck

Jürgen Streeck

The emancipation of gestures
Timo Leuders

Timo Leuders

Decoding of spatial proportions using somatosensory feedback in sighted and visually impaired children
Juliane Leuders

Juliane Leuders

Decoding of spatial proportions using somatosensory feedback in sighted and visually impaired children
Christian Leukel

Christian Leukel

Decoding of spatial proportions using somatosensory feedback in sighted and visually impaired children
Barbara Rogoff

Barbara Rogoff

Collaboration at a microscale: Cultural differences in family interactions
Itzel Aceves-Azuara

Itzel Aceves-Azuara

Collaboration at a microscale: Cultural differences in family interactions
Rami Gabriel

Rami Gabriel

The motivational role of affect in an ecological model
Michael Friedman

Michael Friedman

The material reasoning of folding paper
Samantha Frost

Samantha Frost

The attentive body: How the indexicality of epigenetic processes enriches our understanding of embodied subjectivity
Alessandra Buccella

Alessandra Buccella

Reconsidering perceptual constancy
Lucas Battich

Lucas Battich

Coordinating attention requires coordinated senses
Eiko Yasui

Eiko Yasui

Japanese onomatopoeia in bodily demonstrations in a traditional dance instruction: A resource for synchronizing body movements
Naomi Thompson

Naomi Thompson

“Math cleverly disguised as/with string”: experienced weavers’ engagement with mathematics
Elizabeth "Biz" Nijdam

Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam

Recentering indigenous epistemologies through digital games: Sámi perspectives on nature in Rievssat (2018)
Vittorio Gallese

Vittorio Gallese

Mirror neurons 30 years later: implications and applications
Luca Bonini

Luca Bonini

Mirror neurons 30 years later: implications and applications
Cristina Rotunno

Cristina Rotunno

Mirror neurons 30 years later: implications and applications
Edoardo Arcuri

Edoardo Arcuri

Mirror neurons 30 years later: implications and applications
Donata Schoeller

Donata Schoeller

Thinking at the edge in the context of embodied critical thinking: Finding words for the felt dimension of thinking within research
Anna Shvarts

Anna Shvarts

Coordination dynamics of semiotic mediation: A functional dynamic systems perspective on mathematics teaching/learning
Dietrich Stout

Dietrich Stout

The cognitive science of technology
Giolo Fele

Giolo Fele

Expertise and the work of football match analysts in TV sport broadcasts
Suraiya Luecke

Suraiya Luecke

Freediving neurophenomenology and skilled action: an investigation of brain, body, and behavior through breath
Sara Price

Sara Price

Introduction to the special issue on digital touch: Reshaping interpersonal communicative capacity and touch practices
Carey Jewitt

Carey Jewitt

Introduction to the special issue on digital touch: Reshaping interpersonal communicative capacity and touch practices
Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

Introduction to the special issue on digital touch: Reshaping interpersonal communicative capacity and touch practices
Blandine Bril

Blandine Bril

… discussed with us her paper, Bril, B. (2018). Action, movement, and culture: Does culture shape movement? Kinesiology Review, 7(1), 79-87.
McArthur Mingon

McArthur Mingon

Why robots can’t haka: Skilled performance and embodied knowledge in the Māori haka
John Sutton

John Sutton

… discussed with us his paper, Mingon, M., & Sutton, J. (2021). Why robots can’t haka: Skilled performance and embodied knowledge in the Māori haka. Synthese, 199(1), 4337–4365.
Julia C. Basso

Julia C. Basso

Dance on the brain: Enhancing intra- and inter-brain synchrony
Sofia Tancredi

Sofia Tancredi

The need for SpEED: Reimagining accessibility through Special Education Embodied Design
Alexander Gillett

Alexander Gillett

The tools of enculturation
Richard Menary

Richard Menary

The tools of enculturation
Raúl Sánchez–García

Raúl Sánchez–García

The social dimension of the constraints model in skill acquisition and sports performance.
Joshua Bell

Joshua Bell

Are tools truly incorporated as an extension of the body representation?: Assessing the evidence for tool embodiment
Eton Churchill

Eton Churchill

The education of attention in enskillment
Gin McCollum

Gin McCollum

Sensorimotor underpinnings of mathematical imagination: Qualitative analysis
Sarah Jacobson

Sarah Jacobson

A dynamic systems approach to joint attention in an infant-toddler early childhood centre
Eric A. Pandiscio

Eric A. Pandiscio

Multiplication by sunlight: How can a geometric definition be realized in a physical tool?
Justin K. Dimmel

Justin K. Dimmel

Multiplication by sunlight: How can a geometric definition be realized in a physical tool?
Steven A. Stolz

Steven A. Stolz

Phenomenology, embodiment, and education: first-person methodologies of embodied subjectivity
Karl Friston

Karl Friston

From cognitivism to autopoiesis: Towards a computational framework for the embodied mind
Micah Allen

Micah Allen

From cognitivism to autopoiesis: Towards a computational framework for the embodied mind
Jeffrey J. Lockman

Jeffrey J. Lockman

Young children’s interactions with objects: Play as practice and practice as play
Zuzanna Rucińska

Zuzanna Rucińska

Enactive planning in rock climbing: Recalibration, visualization and nested affordances
Oi-Lam Ng

Oi-Lam Ng

…discussed with us her paper, Ng, O.-L., Sinclair, N., & Davis, B. (2018). Drawing off the page: How new 3D technologies provide insight into cognitive and pedagogical assumptions about mathematics. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 15(3), 563–578.
Steven T. Piantadosi

Steven T. Piantadosi

The cultural origins of symbolic number
Terra Edwards

Terra Edwards

The difference intersubjective grammar makes in protactile DeafBlind communities
Elizabeth de Freitas

Elizabeth de Freitas

Mathematics in the middle: The relationship between measurement and metamorphic matter
Susanne Gerofsky

Susanne Gerofsky

Dancing teachers into being with a garden; Dancing rope and braid Into being; and Dancing Euclidean proofs
Mary Jean Amon

Mary Jean Amon

Empirical evidence for extended cognitive systems
Luis H. Favela

Luis H. Favela

Empirical evidence for extended cognitive systems
Anthony Chemero

Anthony Chemero

Empirical evidence for extended cognitive systems
Christian Greiffenhagen

Christian Greiffenhagen

The materiality of mathematics: Presenting mathematics at the blackboard
Gerd Gigerenzer

Gerd Gigerenzer

Embodied heuristics
Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau

Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau

Kinenoetic analysis: Unveiling the material traces of insight
Wendy Ross

Wendy Ross

Kinenoetic analysis: Unveiling the material traces of insight
Matthew Henley

Matthew Henley

Thinking about thinking: Dance education and 4E cognition
Maxwell J. D. Ramstead

Maxwell J. D. Ramstead

Thinking through other minds: A variational approach to cognition and culture
Werner Spies

Werner Spies

Dynamic systems theory and music improvisation
Marc Duby

Marc Duby

Dynamic systems theory and music improvisation
Michael Kimmel

Michael Kimmel

The micro-genesis of improvisational co-creation
Claire Petitmengin

Claire Petitmengin

Anchoring in lived experience as an act of resistance
Irina Engeness

Irina Engeness

Galperin’s legacy and some current challenges of educational research and practice: Agency, technology, and design
Andreas Lund

Andreas Lund

Galperin’s legacy and some current challenges of educational research and practice: Agency, technology, and design
Jesper Aagaard

Jesper Aagaard

4E cognition and the dogma of harmony
Kristina Höök

Kristina Höök

Designing with the body: Somaesthetic interaction design
Laura Schmitz

Laura Schmitz

Modulating action duration to establish nonconventional communication
Cordula Vesper

Cordula Vesper

Modulating action duration to establish nonconventional communication
Simon Lafontaine

Simon Lafontaine

The significance of mobility in Alfred Schutz’s theory of action
Simon Penny

Simon Penny

Sensorimotor debilities in digital cultures
Julian Kiverstein

Julian Kiverstein

Scaling-up skilled intentionality to linguistic thought
Erik Rietveld

Erik Rietveld

Scaling-up skilled intentionality to linguistic thought
Katherine Young

Katherine Young

Synesthetic gestures: Making the imaginary perceptible
Iris Laner

Iris Laner

Reflective interventions: Enactivism and phenomenology on ways of bringing the body into intellectual engagement
Heidi Kloos

Heidi Kloos

Complexity in science learning: Measuring the underlying dynamics of persistent mistakes
Louise Goupil

Louise Goupil

Emergent shared intentions support coordination during collective musical improvisations
Natashia Botelho

Natashia Botelho

Reflection in motion: An embodied approach to reflection on practice
Ron Eglash

Ron Eglash

Decolonizing education with Anishinaabe arcs: generative STEM as a path to indigenous futurity
Merlin Donald

Merlin Donald

The exographic revolution: Neuropsychological sequelae
Geoffrey Gowlland

Geoffrey Gowlland

The sociality of enskilment
Katja Sutela

Katja Sutela

Embodiment and ethnographic sensitivity in narrative inquiry
Julian Kiverstein

Julian Kiverstein

The Ecological-Enactive model of disability: Why disability does not entail pathological embodiment
Juan Toro

Juan Toro

The Ecological-Enactive model of disability: Why disability does not entail pathological embodiment
Lambros Malafouris

Lambros Malafouris

Thinking as “thinging”: Psychology with things
Catherine Dowell

Catherine Dowell

Visual and haptic perception of affordances of feelies
Massimilano Lorenzo Capuccio

Massimilano Lorenzo Capuccio

Wax on, wax off! Habits, sport skills, and motor intentionality
Duarte Araújo

Duarte Araújo

Cognition, emotion, and action in sport: And ecological dynamics approach
Ami Shulman

Ami Shulman

Feldenkrais Method
Helen Verran

Helen Verran

Science and an African logic
Gideon Dishon

Gideon Dishon

The new natural? Authenticity and the naturalization of educational technologies
Jeff Yoshimi

Jeff Yoshimi

Metaphor and the philosophical implications of embodied mathematics
Bodo Winter

Bodo Winter

Metaphor and the philosophical implications of embodied mathematics
Daniel D. Hutto

Daniel D. Hutto

Re-doing the math: Making enactivism add up.
Marc Duby

Marc Duby

Mind, music, and motion: Ecologies of ensemble performance
Jennifer Ruef

Jennifer Ruef

Why indigenous languages matter for mathematics education: A case study of Ichishkíin
Martin Oliver

Martin Oliver

Deleuzian actualizations of the multiplicative concept: A study of perceptual flow and the transformation of learning assemblages
Sung-Jae Moon

Sung-Jae Moon

…discussed with us his paper, Moon, S.-J., & Lee, K.-H. (2020). Deleuzian actualizations of the multiplicative concept: A study of perceptual flow and the transformation of learning assemblages. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 104, 221–237.
Aviva Berkovich-Ohana

Aviva Berkovich-Ohana

The hitchhiker’s guide to neurophenomenology – The case of studying self boundaries with meditators
Huib K. Tabbers

Huib K. Tabbers

Facilitating understanding of movements in dynamic visualizations: An embodied perspective
Björn B. de Koning

Björn B. de Koning

Facilitating understanding of movements in dynamic visualizations: An embodied perspective
Hillel Braude

Hillel Braude

Feldenkrais Method workshop on multimodal perception
Jessica Lindblom

Jessica Lindblom

A radical reassessment of the body in social cognition
Franz Mechsner

Franz Mechsner

A psychological approach to human voluntary movements
Ami Schulman

Ami Schulman

Feldenkrais Method workshop on attentional anchors
Julia Katila

Julia Katila

Touch and the fluctuation of agency and motor control in pediatric dentistry
Jürgen Streeck

Jürgen Streeck

Touch and the fluctuation of agency and motor control in pediatric dentistry
Leslie Ellis

Leslie Ellis

Focusing, Felt Sense, and Dream Therapy
Susanne Lundesjö Kvart

Susanne Lundesjö Kvart

Instructions in horseback riding—The collaborative achievement of an instructional space
Julien Laroche

Julien Laroche

Embodiment of intersubjective time: Relational dynamics as attractors in the temporal coordination of interpersonal behaviors and experiences